31 mai 2011

Since I'm in the cheesy mood..

I was just thinking that probably the nicest thing (or one of the nicest) anyone has ever done for me was to ask me to fill in some random variable names in a C++ code sequence he was working on.

20 mai 2011

Types of guys

There was the guy I had my first kiss with, the guy I got drunk with the first time, the guy I never even kissed, the guy who gave me night rides (and that's no metaphor), the guy who had a German girlfriend, the guy for whom I learned a new alphabet, the guy who explained rugby rules for me, the guy who made me fall in love with Brasil, the guy I never even talked to afterwards, the guy whose skin smelled like cheap soap, the guy who fell in love with me, the guy who was my friend's ex, the guy who had blue eyes and blonde beautiful hair, the guy who took me home after a night in an obscure club, the guy I decided to leave. 

There is the guy who makes all the other guys seem unimportant.