26 noiembrie 2009

Cu cine votezi?

Nu-mi vine sa cred ca am prieteni care vor sa voteze cu PSD in turul doi.

As fi vrut sa scriu un post lung, in care sa explic ca da, imi dau seama de toate tampeniile facute de Basescu si de ai lui, dar care nu sunt nici pe departe comparabile cu revenirea unui regim comunist.

Sau as fi vrut sa scriu despre faptul ca din PSD face parte Liviu Dragnea, baronul de Teleorman. Si ce senzatie m-a incercat atunci cand am vazut ca daca apar articole critice la adresa lui in presa locala sau chiar nationala, trimite oameni care epuizeaza tot stocul de ziare la prima ora.

As mai fi scris de scarba care ma incearca de fiecare data cand ma uit la Antene sau la Realitatea.

Au scris altii mai bine decat as fi putut scrie eu. Cititi la zoso, la liviu, sau la mihai, de la care am luat si fotografia.

Nu-mi vine sa cred ca am prieteni care vor sa voteze cu PSD in turul doi.

23 noiembrie 2009

Dear guys,

1. When talking to a girl, don't EVER make jokes about her weight or age. You'll only get her annoyed. No, wait, you'll get her really mad.

2. Self irony is also a delicate matter, so please, be careful when using it. Self pity is a dangerous strategy.

3. Don't get in conversations on topics you only have superficial knowledge of, you'll make a fool of yourselves.

4. If a girl is asking you to join her on a night out with her friends, she's not necessarily interested in you.

5. If you already have a girlfriend, don't bring her up every 5 minutes. Seriously.

6. Check your spelling every time, no one likes a grammar idiot.

7. Don't be clingy, it's probably the easiest way you can fail. Girls like bad boys (duh). I won't even comment on stalkers.

8. Don't send her idiotic (presumably funny) links or jokes. Also, songs older than 10 years are a total no-no.

9. Don't criticize her unless you can actually bring reasonable/non insulting arguments for it. Again, don't criticize what/where she eats.

10.You won't get her by mentioning your macho abilities. Or if you do, she's probably not worth the trouble.

11. Before going out, look yourselves in the mirror and lose anything that could also be worn by your grandpa. For god's sake, textile napkins are disgusting.

12. Don't exaggerate your showing off. Careful, there's a delicate balance there.

13. Don't even try to imply that she's smarter than you. Pity won't bring you sex or anything else (this only happens in crappy hollywood movies).

14. Calling her cheesy names or being over-polite will only remind her of her dad. Unless she has some oedipal complex, trust me, it won't work.

15. Don't invite yourselves over to her place. It's lame.

16. Using alcohol to make things easier is a good idea, as long as you don't get her too drunk. She will still remember you sucked, plus she will never forgive you for the terrible hangover.

17. Irony may be used, unless it's (again) related to her age or weight. I can't stress that enough.

18. Don't bring flowers on a first date. Laaaame. Pay her compliments, but make sure it sounds plausible. Sexual jokes are only allowed after she has already shown interest in you.

19. Nobody likes a mama's boy. Grow up!

20. Finally, if she's already said no, get over it. Please, show some self respect.

21 noiembrie 2009

Am fost la IMAX. Mare greseala.

Da, stiu ca nu se pune punct dupa titlu, dar vroiam sa subliniez pauza dramatica.

Am fost asadar la IMAX, mai exact la "Lumea din adancuri". Pacat ca n-au lasat-o in adancuri, ca oricum nu era nimic interesant de scos la suprafata :| Am pierdut deci cateva ore in minunatul mall Cotroceni. Care minunat mall, e o experienta in sine. Una proasta. Societatea consumerista la apogeul ei :P

Dar sa ne intoarcem la IMAX. Citisem tot felul de articole despre, vai, cat de puternice sunt proiectoarele lor, si cum au cel mai mare ecran din tara. Poate sunt, dar intr-un mod deocamdata inutil. Am vazut un documentar subacvatic din 1994 (???), intunecat si plictisitor, penibil pe alocuri ("Cine stie de ce rod leii de mare aceste tulpini in fiecare dimineata? Poate e modul lor de a se spala pe dinti!" - no shit).

Iar inainte de filmul propriu-zis, un flacau de acolo ne-a citit balbait de pe o foaie cum vom avea noi o experienta de tip nirvana, privind la un ecran de marimea a 7 elefanti pusi unul peste altul. Wtf. De ce elefanti, nu stiu. De ce unul peste altul, kinky, iar nu stiu. De ce nu girafe, ai fi zis ca sunt mai relevante in context. Thenagain, ar fi fost mai putine, not so impressive :P

Mai aveam ca alternativa un fel de Jurassic Park-wannabe, parea ceva mai ok calitativ, dar seriously, dinozauri??

Si ca sa inchei, am invatat totusi chestii utile: ca aricii de mare sunt personaje negative (si pareau asa de draguti!!), ca homarii naparlesc (i know, wtf again), sau ca exista un peste care se cheama ceva gen 'pestele cu fata sarcastica'. Wtf nr.3.

P.S. Sa nu va duceti nici la 2012, e chiar mai rau. O catastrofa de film despre catastrofe, cum zicea cineva :P

18 noiembrie 2009

Letter to the men in my life :))

Dear C,

When I think of you, the first word that comes to my mind is Umarmung.. And yes, I know what you mean by 75% asleep.

Dear M,

Stop thinking about my perfume so I can meet you again in January.

Dear Q,

Your letter was one of the nicest things I've read in my life. And yes, I know we talked for just a couple of hours, but I will never forget you.

Dear B,

Grow up. And get over it :P

Dear S,

Ok, so you have freckles and your skin smelled like chocolate (hence the chocolate-scented blog). But it is obviously not enough.

Dear V,

I am not that type of girl. I'm sorry for the sms :)


Let's do it Romania

Am citit la Cabral despre un country clean up project, initiativa Let's do it Romania, care se bazeaza pe o campanie desfasurata acum ceva timp in Estonia:

Sincer, mi se pare o idee incredibila, si chiar daca banuiesc ca la noi e posibil sa nu aiba chiar acelasi impact ca la estonieni, orice mica schimbare e binevenita.

In plus, ma gandesc ca e imposibil ca proiectul sa nu aiba si urmari pe termen lung, acum ramane sa vedem cat de puternice :)

Eu am de gand sa ma inscriu ca voluntar, ceea ce va invit si pe voi sa faceti, aici.

17 noiembrie 2009

Ce mai citim..

"I stare at her without her knowing or caring until we get to her stop. When she gets out I don't make any effort to move out of her way, so she has to brush me with her ass, and she has a nice fucking ass."

din Chad Kultgen - 'The average american male - a novel' (my favorite, by far)

"brigitte are de oferit un corp.
in afara de corpul lui brigitte, sunt aruncate in acelasi timp pe piata multe alte corpuri."

"paula e pornita dupa dragoste, ca un porc dupa ghinda"

din Elfriede Jelinek - 'Amantele'

"Women are all evil whores bent on marrying a man and sucking his life away with dwindling sexuality, aging beauty, children, et cetera. This outcome is inevitable, but in the meantime a man should make use of as many women as he possibly can."

tot din Chad Kultgen - 'The lie - a novel'

"I ran off, dique, because of a boy.
What can I really tell you about him? He was like all boys: beautiful and callow, and like an insect he couldn't sit still. Un blanquito with long hairy legs I met one night at Limelight.
His name was Aldo"

din Junot Diaz - 'The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao'

Pam-pam! :)

15 noiembrie 2009

I'm back :)

Lunga pauza cu blogul asta, dar experimentez acum scrisul ca terapie :P

S-au intamplat o multime de lucruri lately, si cel mai important e ca m-am intors din Germania si ca adaptarea fost de o suta de ori mai usoara decat as fi crezut.

Sunt lucruri mici si multe pe care am invatat sa le apreciez aici, chiar daca ma mai apuca uneori nostalgia. Taximetristul de aseara m-a vazut deprimata si tot incerca sa-mi caute o melodie to cheer me up. Like, this would never happen in Germany :)

Apropos de aseara, am fost la un festival de scurt metraje, locatia e absolut minunata (totally berlin-like) si ca atmosfera si ca decor: the Ark. Si filmuletele foarte misto, unele inspiring, altele creepy sau scary, si cel mai mult mi-a placut Memotekid, care a si castigat in final the whole thing. Oricum am o obsesie cu imaginile si culorile deprimante, si filmul asta mi-a indus o stare ciudata, desi initial am vazut cam 20 de secunde din el, dar a fost enough :) Pe de o parte imi aduce aminte de niste proiectii de la o expozitie suprarealista din Helsinki, dar nu e numai asta. U have to see it to understand :)

Apoi am fost in Expirat, nothing special about that :P Fine, muzica draguta as usual, dar oameni dubioooosi.

Azi o cana de ceai rosu, clatite cu dulceata de portocale si o carte. Plus umpic de muzica :)